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Giving Tuesday

One Breath at a Time

If you've ever practiced mindfulness, you know the power of a single breath. It takes just one moment to re-center, ground yourself, and find calm amidst the chaos.

We want to empower our children & greater community to find this inner peace.

Will you join us?

It costs $65 to serve each child enrolled in our 16-week Calm+Kind+Focused in-school mindfulness program.

Today, on Giving Tuesday, we need your help preparing today’s young leaders for tomorrow’s challenges. You can provide the essential mindfulness tools to navigate life's twists and turns—one child, one breath at a time.

Each year, Shanthi Project’s mindfulness programs and breathing techniques reach over 4,000 children, teaching them to manage their emotions and quiet their anxieties, even in turbulent waters.

Sometimes, our lessons inspire students to make up their own creative breaths! The videos on the right showcase students from Donegan Elementary in Bethlehem, PA, leading mindfulness practices. 

Student-Led Breathwork: Rocket Breath

Student-Led Breathwork: Rocket Breath
Student-Led Breathwork: Rocket Breath

Student-Led Breathwork: Rocket Breath

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In-Class Mindful Listening

In-Class Mindful Listening

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Student-Led Mindful Movement

Student-Led Mindful Movement

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Your support goes twice as far this Giving Tuesday.

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of a match donor, all gifts will be doubled — but only if we can reach $2,500 in Giving Tuesday donations!

Choose one of our donation options below. Shanthi Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so all donations are tax-deductible.

Teacher Testimonials


You can also text BREATHE to 707070 to donate!

Educators can't help but notice the difference that mindfulness makes! Classroom teachers and Shanthi Project instructors get a firsthand look at the benefits of our in-class mindfulness programming—listen to them share their experiences from Calm+Kind+Focused. 

Jessica Hergenrother, fourth grade teacher at Donegan Elementary School

Marguerite Nicosia, Shanthi Project School-Based Instructor and Workshop Facilitator

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